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Find out where to search for your clients

Wojciech Liszka

CEO Z—Factor

Active customer search is a must for every business. Even during periods of prosperity, when customers knock on the door themselves, it is worth conducting activities related to searching for customers. Why is that?

Active selling is like having an additional engine in your sailboat. It allows you to swim regardless of whether, and in which direction the wind is blowing. It also allows you to swim faster and gives you a better chance of reaching your destination.

In recent years, a variety of hotels and conference centers relied on inquiries that simply kept flowing into their sales departments. The demand for conference services was high enough that many entrepreneurs did not get involved in additional active search for potential clients.

Why is that a mistake?

Building lasting relationships with clients is the foundation of a well-prospering organization. It provides revenue for both periods of high and low demand at the same time reducing the risk of doing business. It not only ensures greater predictability of revenue streams but it also gives a chance to manage the cost of doing business more effectively. Lastly, when actively seeking clients, one gets a chance to reach out to those who actually spend most but would not necessarily be interested in doing business together at first.
Relying on business that simply flows in, in most cases means one doesn’t maximize the revenue potential in periods of prosperity and at the same time generates a greater risk of losing business completely when the demand drops.

Where to look for your clients?

When I first started my job with sales department, we did not have tools for effective work based on data analysis. I remember my first months in. I got a database of nearby companies and kept making phone call after phone call in order to figure out whether they planned on organizing any event soon. Countless hours of work yielded very poor results. I didn't feel comfortable while talking to people who even didn't need my help at first. Selling ought to be nothing more than providing a solution to a customer who needs one’s help. Selling is not spamming.

Understand what’s your competition

Surprisingly, that’s a question that many entrepreneurs can’t answer. My hint for them is simple. When we receive queries, we ask our customers what other objects they consider for monitoring. The most common names of hotels and conference centers indicate their direct competition. If any events are held there, that’s a sign that they might as well be held in customer’s facility.

What information you get out of Demand Outlook?

Most of all, every day you receive information on all events that took place in your competition on the previous day. Since you begin working with Demand Outlook, at any time, you are able to check on information on particular companies’ events (both number and the type) organized in your competition.

You will gain the understanding which companies organize most meetings and whether they are tied to one facility or perhaps they work with more hotels and conference centers. Demand Outlook gives the opportunity to search for companies that organize meetings of a certain size, on selected days of the week or of a specific length. This way, you can focus on working with a precisely selected group of clients, best suited for your facility.

Among others, you will also be able to monitor your market share and the changing demand for conference services. Much more is waiting for you with Demand Outlook.

How to use information from Demand Outlook?

It's very simple. If you have properly defined the group of your competition, any event taking place in these facilities can potentially be organized in your property. Now it’s your turn to understand what customer profile you need and search in Demand Outlook for companies that regularly organize events with parameters tailored for your needs. This way, your sales team can focus on a narrow group of customers with best potential, instead of looking for business at every intersection one may cross.

Last but not least

When I started my adventure with sales, I had to make dozens, if not hundreds of phones calls in order to arrange a meeting and have a chance to get a new customer. In the 21st century, those who act effectively win the most. Nowadays, no one can afford knocking on ever door in searching of a business opportunity. Customers don’t appreciate it likewise sales don't get satisfaction from being "intrusive". Now you know this can be done in a different way.
Data-based operation is much more effective. It allows you to reach out to these customers who indeed need services as the ones offered by your property. As a result, your sales team, instead of offering an unwanted product, can actually become an advisors to the customer. Getting in a win-win situation is what building a strong, lasting customer relationship is all about. On the business side of the equation, this increase in work efficiency also means saving for you.

Are you ready to take your next step?

We are more than willing to help you out. Simply fill in the form and find out completely free how Demand Outlook can help with your business.